This page shows reports of data and averaging
calculations for each hourly map for the last 24 hours.
CRN and METAR data for the closest match METAR
hourly reporting station is acquired from the NOAAport satellite feed.
Because of processing delays due to uplink, ingestion, quality control
at the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) and further delays in
processing, uplink to NOAAport at Wallops Island, and then reception at
our offices, the CRN data typically runs 1 hour or more behind the METAR
data, which is reported hourly for the aviation network almost
The challenge for this project was to get these
two asynchronous data sources synchronized. Currently every effort is
made to get the two data sources synchronized and plotted on the same map
about one hour and fifteen minutes behind real time. For the most part,
all CRN and METAR stations have reported by this time
Below is a sample line of data for a CRN station. Left to right is:
Station ID, State_StationName, Date(YYYYMMDD_time, temperature in Celsius
63869, AL_Fairhope_3_NE, 20130207_2100, 22.3
Below is a sample line of data for a METAR station. Left to right is:
METAR Station ID, State_StationName, Date(YYYYMMDD_time, temperature in Celsius
KAUO, AL_Auburn, 20130207_2155, 11.0
NOTE: NOAA rounds METAR data to nearest whole degree